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West Island Lakers Basketball Association
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Week 6

With the new directive from the Quebec allowing 2 players to work out together here is 
2-player shooting drill that works on shooting form, footwork and passing.

6 shots and change – Players partner up with one player taking six shots from various spots while teammate rebounds. The shooter must change spots quickly and after each shot and be in a ready-to-shoot position before receiving the next pass. The rebounder/passer wants to make game-like passes, between the shoulders and the waist, that will allow shooter to catch and shoot.After six shots the shooter reecives a fall pass for a lay-up and they the players rotate positions.

Keys: Shooter must be prepared and shoot quickly maintaining proper technique.

Passers need to make good "shooting" passes.

Shoot 5 reps and then 10 foul shots and then another 5 reps.

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